Promoting open and honest conversations and being mindful of those who are vulnerable.
Safe Course is a new charity which aims to ensure that every university and place of higher education in the United Kingdom has an active and engaging drugs harm reduction policy in place.
Daniel’s story
Safe Course was founded in 2024 by Hilton Mervis following the tragic death in 2019 of his son, Daniel, from an overdose.
Daniel became addicted during his time at Oxford University. After battling with addiction for some years, he died of an accidental overdose following a period of eight months sobriety. Relapse is part of the recovery journey for those suffering from addiction and recognised by the World Health Organisation as part of the disease of addiction.
The Coroner issued a Prevention of Future Death report, finding that Oxford University has no overarching policy agreed by all colleges regarding substance abuse and that there was a conflict between St John’s College’s stated zero tolerance policy to deal with utmost severity with those students who misuse or supply drugs, and the apparent offer of support those students who suffer with drug addiction. As a result, the report concluded that the College’s policy may discourage students to seek help for their addiction out of fear of the consequences, either legal or disciplinary.
It further recommended that the College should take steps to ensure harm reduction and that it publicise a policy which stresses the confidential nature of support offered to mitigate this risk. Finally, it recommended that any new drugs harm reduction policy should be more widely advertised to students.
St John's College is now working to implement its first harm reduction drugs policy and is setting up a prize in the name of Daniel to and to raise awareness of the issue of drug use at university.
Safe Course is aiming higher. We have agreed a set of national
objectives for the charity and encourage you to join us on our journey.
Our platform will also act as a platform for family and friends bereaved by drugs to remember and celebrate their loved ones.
We aim to raise funds to provide support to other charities who support students, those in addiction and the families of those bereaved through drug use.
Safe Course was registered on 16 February 2023, and meets the stringent requirements of the Charities Commission. Charity number: 1201967
The initial trustees are Hilton Mervis, Sir Robin Knowles, John de Pury and John Martin Rushton-Turner.

Students have an important role to play in looking out for those who are more vulnerable: